
Shane reads liberal and conservative books.  Politically he identifies as an independent and avoids talking about politics with those that are too passionate about the subject.

(C and L indicate if the book was published for conservative or liberal audiences)

Government in America (1993) Lineberry, Edwards, Wattenberg

The Righteous Mind (2012) Jonathan Haidt – Why good people are divided on politics and religion.

C – Social Justice Isn’t What You Think It Is (2015) M. Novak

C – The Unlikely Conservative (2002) Linda Chavez

C – A Man of Faith: Spiritual Journey of George W. Bush (2004) David Aikman

C – American Contempt for Liberty (2015) Walter Williams

C – Betrayal (2004) Linda Chavez

C – Standing Firm (1994) Dan Quayle

L – Common Cents (1995) Tim Penny

L – Counter-Narrative (2010) H. L. Goodall , Jr.

L – The War on Labor (1991) Patricia Cayo Sexton

L – Beyond Outrage (2012) Robert B. Reich

L – The Conscience of a Liberal (2007) Paul Krugman

L – The Working Poor (2004) David K. Shipler