(Scroll down to view session room topics)
This educational clinic at PostumCafe has several educational sessions with Dr. Shane Linder. These sessions explore various subjects. Below you will find introduction videos and links to various rooms discussing different subjects. Dr. Linder is an ordained pastoral, family counselor. He holds a masters degree in marriage and family therapy and a doctorate in clinical pastoral counseling. He is ordained as an independent minister by the National Association of Christian Ministers.
These sessions are not intended to serve as a substitute for mental health treatment. It is recommended that one consult their medical doctor regarding the need for professional mental health treatment. Many people find coping skills through books and self-help classes. Others need additional help.
Happiness Ministry does not ask for donations from the unemployed. If you are employed and feel you benefit from any of these online sessions, we suggest a $50 donation for those living in developed nations. Those living in developing countries, such as parts of Asia and Africa, can give a much smaller donation, provided PayPal is available in their nation.
Journey with Pastor David Asscherick as he unravels some of the mystery about God and answers some very tough questions about life.
Dr. Shane Linder is licensed by the National Association of Christian Counselors as a pastoral counselor. He is not licensed by a civil authority. He is a member of both NCCA and AACC.